FRNCE, Cantautora y compositora.
Desde temprana edad se interesó por el arte (pintura, fotografía y actuación), más tarde se dio cuenta que la música era perfecta para contar historias. A mediados del 2017 comenzó su viaje musical, abriendo para diferentes artistas dentro de la escena musical. No fue hasta 2021 donde FRNCE lanza su primer sencillo llamado “Noches de Abril”, seguido de “El Mundo” para después presentarnos su álbum debut “Serendipia” El cual cuenta con canciones en dos idiomas (ingles y español). La dualidad de este álbum se debe a la raíz y origen de la cantautora, aunque siendo “Cachanilla” parte de su infancia fue criada en California
FRNCE, Singer-songwriter and composer.
From an early age she became interested in arts like painting, photography and acting, later that she realized that music was perfect for storytelling. In mid-2017 she began her musical journey, opening for different artists within the music scene. It was not until 2021 that FRNCE released her first single called “Noches de Abril”, followed by “El Mundo” and later presented her debut album “Serendipia” which has songs in two languages (English and Spanish). The duality of this album is due to the roots and origin of the singer-songwriter, although being a “Cachanilla”, part of her childhood was raised in California.